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Friday 20 September 2013

Verse 395

Dhammapada Verse 395
The Story of Kisagotami

On one occasion, Sakka, king of the devas, came with his followers to pay homage to the Buddha. At the same lime, Theri Kisagotami, by her supernormal power came through the sky to pay homage to the Buddha. But when she saw Sakka and his entourage paying homage to the Buddha, she retreated. Sakka seeing her, asked the Buddha who the lady was, and the Buddha replied, "O Sakka! She is my daughter Kisagotami. Once, she came to me in sorrow and distress through the loss of her son and I made her see the impermanent, the unsatisfactory and the non-self nature of all conditioned things. As a consequence of that she attained Sotapatti Fruition, joined the Order, and became an arahat. She is one of my eminent female disciples and is matchless in the ascetic practice of wearing robes made from rags collected from a dust heap."

Then the Buddha spoke in verse as follows:

Pamsukuladharam jantum
kisam dhamanisanthatam
ekam vanasmim jhayantam
tamaham brumi brahamanam.
Verse 395: Him I call a brahmana who wears robes made from rags (picked up from a dust heap), who is lean with veins standing out, who meditates alone in the forest.

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