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Friday 20 September 2013

Verse 377

Dhammapada Verse 377
The Story of Five Hundred Bhikkhus

Five hundred bhikkhus from Savatthi, after taking a subject of meditation from the Buddha, set out for the forest to practise meditation. There, they noticed that the jasmine flowers which bloomed in the early morning dropped off from the plants onto the ground in the evening. Then the bhikkhus resolved that they would strive hard to free themselves from all moral defilements even before the flowers were shed from the plants. The Buddha, through his supernormal power, saw them from his Perfumed Chamber. He therefore sent forth his radiance to them and made them feel his presence. To them the Buddha said, "Bhikkhus! As the withered flower is shed from the plant, so also, should a bhikkhu strive to free himself from the round of rebirths."

Then the Buddha spoke in verse as follows:

Vassika viya pupphani
maddavani pamuncati
evam raganca dosanca
vippamuncetha bhikkhavo.
Verse 377: O bhikkhus! As the jasmine (vassika) plant sheds its withered flowers, so also, should you shed passion and ill will.

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