Friday 20 September 2013

Verses 309 and 310

Dhammapada Verses 309 and 310
The Story of Khemaka, the Son of a Rich Man

Khemaka, in addition to being rich, was also very good-looking and women were very much attracted to him. They could hardly resist him and naturally fell a prey to him. Khemaka committed adultery without compunction. The king's men caught him three times for sexual misconduct and brought him to the presence of the king. But King Pasenadi of Kosala did not take action because Khemaka was the nephew of Anathapindika. So Anathapindika himself took his nephew to the Buddha. The Buddha talked to Khemaka about the depravity of sexual misconduct and the seriousness of the consequences.

Then the Buddha spoke in verse as follows:

Cattari thanani naro pamatto
apajjati paradarupasevi
apunnalabham na nikamaseyyam
nindam tatiyam nirayam catuttham.
Verse 309: Four misfortunes befall a man who is unmindful of right conduct and commit sexual misconduct with another man's wife: acquisition of demerit, disturbed sleep, reproach, and suffering in niraya.
Apunnalahho ca gati ca papika
bhitassa bhitaya rati ca thokika
raja ca dandam garukam paneti
tasma naro paradaram na seve.
Verse 310: Thus, there is the acquisition of demerit, and there is rebirth in the evil apaya realms. The enjoyment of a scared man with a scared woman is short-lived, and the king also metes out severe punishment. Therefore, a man should not commit misconduct with another man's wife.

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