Sunday 22 September 2013

Verses 244 and 245

Dhammapada Verses 244 and 245

The Story of Culasari

One day, Culasari came back after ministering to a patient. On his way he met Thera Sariputta and related to him how he went to treat a patient and had been given some delicious food for his services. He also begged Thera Sariputta to accept some of the food from him. Thera Sariputta did not say anything to him but continued on his way. Thera Sariputta refused to accept food from that bhikkhu because that bhikkhu had transgressed the law prohibiting bhikkhus from practising medicine. Other bhikkhus reported about this to the Buddha and he said to them, "Bhikkhus! A bhikkhu who is shameless is coarse in thought, word and deed. He is arrogant like a crow, he would find a living by unlawful means and live in comfort. On the other hand, life for a bhikkhu who has a sense of shame is not easy."

Then the Buddha spoke in verse as follows:

Sujivam ahirikena
kakasurena dhamsina
pakkhandina pagabbhena
samkilitthena jivitam.
Verse 244: Life is easy for one who is shameless and bold as a crow, who slanders others and is pretentious, aggressive and corrupt.
Hirimata ca dujjivam
niccam sucigavesina
alinena' ppagabbhena
suddhajivena passata.
Verse 245: Life is hard for one with a sense of shame, who always seeks purity, who is free from attachment, who is modest and who sees clearly what is proper livelihood.

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