Thursday 26 September 2013

Verse 72

Dhammapada Verse 72

The Story of Satthikutapeta

The Chief Disciple Maha Moggallana saw this enormous peta-ghost while going on an alms-round with Thera Lakkhana. In this connection, the Buddha explained that Satthikutapeta, in one of his previous existences, was very skilfully in throwing stones at things. One day, he asked permissions from his teacher to try out his skill. His teacher told him not to hit a cow, or a human being as he would have to pay compensation to the owner or to the relative, but to find a target which was owner-less or guardian-less.
On seeing the paccekabuddha, the idiots lacking in intelligence, thought the paccekabuddha, having no relative or guardian, would be an ideal target. So he threw a stone at the paccekabuddha who was on an alms-round. The stone entered from one ear and came out of the other. The paccekabuddha expired when he reached the monastery. The stone-thrower was killed by the disciples of the paccekabuddha and he was reborn in Avici Niraya. Afterwards, he was reborn as a peta-ghost and had since been serving the remaining term of the evil consequences (kamma) of his evil deed. As a peta-ghost his enormous head was being continuously hit with red-hot hammers.
In conclusion, the Buddha said, "To a fool, his skill or knowledge is of no use; it can only harm him."

Then the Buddha spoke in verse as follows:

Yavadeva anatthaya
nattam balassa jayati
hanti balassa sukkamsam
Verse 72: The skill of a fool can only harm him; it destroys his merit and his wisdom (lit., it severs his head).

1. sukkamsasukka + amsa :  sukka means white, bright, pure or good; amsa means portion. According to the Commentary, sukkamsa means merit.
2. muddha: head, top, summit. According to the Commentary, it means knowledge.

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