Thursday 19 September 2013

Verse 412

Dhammapada Verse 412

The Story of Samanera Revata

While residing at the Pubbarama monastery, the Buddha uttered Verse (412) of this book, with reference to Samanera Revata.
One day, the bhikkhus said to the Buddha, "Revata is getting many offerings from people, he is gaining fame and fortune. Even though he lives alone in the forest, through supernormal power he has now built five hundred pinnacled monasteries for five hundred bhikkhus." To them the Buddha said, "Bhikkhus, my son Revata has discarded all craving; he has transcended both good and evil."
Then the Buddha spoke in verse as follows:
Yo'dha punnanca pipanca
ubho sanga'mupaccaga
asokam virajam suddham
tamaham brumi brahmanam.
Verse 412: Him I call a brahmana, who, in this world, has transcended both ties good and evil; who is sorrow-less and, being free from the taints of moral defilement, is pure.

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