Friday 20 September 2013

Verse 393

Dhammapada Verse 393

The Story of Jatila, the Brahmin

Once, a brahmin ascetic thought to himself that the Buddha called his disciples 'brahmanas' and that he being a brahmin by birth should also be called a 'brahmana'. Thinking thus, he went to see the Buddha and put forward his view. But the Buddha rejected his view and said, "O brahmin, I do not call one a brahmana because he keeps his hair matted or simply because of his birth; I call one a brahmana only if he fully comprehends the Four Noble Truths."

Then the Buddha spoke in verse as follows:

Na jatahi na gottena
na jacca hoti brahmano
yamhi saccanca
 dhammo ca
so suci so ca brahmano.
Verse 393: Not by wearing matted hair, nor by lineage, nor by caste, does one become a brahmana; only he who realizes the Truth and the Dhamma is pure; he is a brahmana.

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