Friday 20 September 2013

Verse 325

Dhammapada Verse 325
The Story of King Pasenadi of Kosala

One day, King Pasenadi of Kosala went to the monastery to pay homage to the Buddha soon after having a heavy meal. The king was in the habit of taking one quarter basketful (half a bushel of) cooked rice and meat curry. While he was in the presence of the Buddha, the king felt so drowsy that he kept on nodding and could hardly keep himself awake. Then he said to the Buddha, "Venerable Sir! I have been in great discomfort since I have taken my meal." To him the Buddha replied, "Yes, O king! Gluttons do suffer in this manner."

Then the Buddha spoke in verse as follows:

Middhi yada hoti mahagghaso ca
niddayita samparivattasayi
mahavarahova nivapaputtho
punappunam gabbhamupeti mando.
Verse 325: The stupid one who is lazy, gluttonous, and drowsy, who just wallows like a well-fed pig, is subject to repeated rebirths.

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