Tuesday 24 September 2013

Verse 164

Dhammapada Verse 164

The Story of Thera Kala

Once in Savatthi, an elderly woman was looking after a Thera named Kala, like her own son. One day hearing from her neighbours about the virtues of the Buddha, she wished very much to go to the Jetavana monastery and listen to the discourses given by the Buddha. So she told Thera Kala about her wishes; but the thera advised her against it. Three times she spoke to him about her wishes but he always dissuaded her. But one day, in spite of his dissuasion, the lady decided to go.
After asking her daughter to look to the needs of Thera Kala she left the house. When Thera Kala came on his usual round of alms-food, he learned that the lady of the house had left for the Jetavana monastery. Then he reflected, "It is quite possible that the lady of this house is losing her faith in me." So, he made haste and quickly followed her to the monastery. There, he found her listening to the discourse being given by the Buddha. He approached the Buddha respectfully, and said, "Venerable Sir! This woman is very dull; she will not be able to understand the sublime Dhamma; please teach her only about charity (dana) and morality (sila)."
The Buddha knew very well that Thera Kala was talking out of spite and with an ulterior motive. So he said to Thera Kala, "Bhikkhu! Because you are foolish and because of your wrong view, you scorn my Teaching. You yourself are your own ruin; in fact, you are only trying to destroy yourself."

Then the Buddha spoke in verse as follows:

Yo sasanam arahatam
ariyanam dhammajivinam
patikkosati dummedho
ditthim nissaya papikam
phalani katthakasseva
attaghataya phallati.
Verse 164: The foolish man who, on account of his wrong views, scorns the teaching of homage-worthy Noble Ones (Ariyas) who live according to the Dhamma is like the bamboo which bears fruit for its own destruction.

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